Lotus's Cube

About Me

Let me disassemble your chickenscratch heart grenade
Let me unfold you, unravel you, and weave you back together
Let your quiet panic, your silent anguish, melt away into the wind
In your stormy clouds I see rainbows.

How beautiful is the longing of the soul when freed from the shackles of lust?
I have naught to give you but my love, and this carrot cake.

It seems I have to tell my story so many times, I can't really help but abstract or hide it in some way. Calling myself just one thing when I'm a mosaic of broken glass, it's hard to define yourself as a single shard. Here's my dipshit bio.

I am a 6'2" benevolent brownie who believes in god and liberty. Thinker, writer, reader, lonely, lazy, distraction-addict me. Have a case of the ADHDs, but these days who doesn't? Weird's an abused term, but that'd be the club I'm in. I like words, and putting them together, and a lot of other dork stuff.

If you see me, I'm probably cracking up at some dumbass meme I remembered or looking for something I lost.

I also like money. Lots of it. Here's some stuff I sell: