
Smells like thunder, looks like smoke. The skies are crowded with fog. I really love the smells that rain produces; the smell of wet rock and wet pavement, the heavy wet air, smoke from a neighbor's home.

Isn't it amazing? The water that is necessary for life to continue is a force of nature that threatens and cajoles it into shape. The water in my glass, which makes my wine, is a part of the oceans across the world, to which it will return.

Rain is a sort of baptism, bringing new life to the world, washing away the old.

Showers are a sort of baptism too, but a bit more practical. Cleanliness is close to Godliness, and yet as mere humans we cannot help but become dirty. We try, again and again, to clean this dirt from ourselves. Ultimately, it is an exercise in futility: no matter what you do, you will become dirty again. But humanity for the large part still functions with the assumption of basic hygiene, and it (society) would not exist if people did not try to be 'clean', in any sort of way.

Personal hygiene is a superficial form of cleanliness, but it is the most visible form. If a person cannot keep their body or their possessions clean, how can they be expected to keep any other part of their selves or souls clean? If they cannot keep themselves clean, how can they be expected to keep machines and systems running cleanly (AKA a job)? In that light, personal hygiene isn't just for show, it is an indicator of the character of a person. Not all people who have bad hygiene are bad people, but people with bad hygiene show that they are lacking in an important part of human behavior. It's like the cats or the birds who don't clean themselves, they obviously stand out, probably because they're insane or diseased.

TLDR: Look nice and smell nice or you'll never get laid.

Baptism. I like the word, to me it means death of the old self and rebirth as a new being. It is necessary to progress, to break ties with the old and move on.
