
MUSIC: Per capita? -> Tool, Live, Incubus

MOVIES: What Dreams May Come, The Last Unicorn, The Secret of Kells, The Iron Giant, The Corpse Bride, and More...

My Room!

I stand alone in a crowd of unwanted wannabes
more than a little irony and insanity
I hate you all and love you anyway.
A freak with a frenetic heartbeat
constantly off-key
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
hipster loser loner why?
If I don't kill (laugh) then I might cry
Welcome to my life of try.

Dearest apologies, that was a little harsh. I am by turns prosaic and choleric, excuse my rudeness. Try a slice?

Let me disassemble your chickenscratch heart grenade
Let me unfold you, unravel you, and weave you back together
Let your quiet panic, your silent anguish, melt away into the wind
In your stormy clouds I see rainbows.

Ah, much better.

We take a short detour from our parade to inform you. I tend to obsess wrongly. The twists and turns of my life make me exceeding joy or despicable, and concealed within/expressed without through dramatic theatrics. I fear that my presence is incorrectly interpreted as it should be, noone understands me least of all me. This site is a form for filling with projected intent, so that I can observe and clarify my own disease. I am a very conflicted person. Enjoy!