
(Thinking out loud.)
3.15.25 Yesterday was Pi Day so that was cool. I didn't do anything. I've been having crazy dreams recently, I blame the wind, though I left the window over my head cracked so the moon could peer in. Also one of the cats ran off into the desert so. Another example of being abandoned. Funny story, I was actually asleep and the door was open when I woke up, one of the cats had run out but the other stayed. Magic? Maybe.
Anyways I started a new journal page because the old one was lagging from too many words. That's a RAM issue I believe. How much we don't know is impressive infinite, our brains trick us into not panicking at knowing nothing.
The only thing we can offer to God is our attention, and it's the littlest thing to us. OH, Spotify won't let me play music for some odd reason. Yet again, if you don't pay for it, you don't own it. Well, if you don't own it, you can't keep it. And then Google required me to give them a real-not-internet-app phone number to set up a YouTube acct. so I can't make a playlist without giving the feds my personal phone number. So. That's all, see you later.