Lotus's Cube

Lotus's List of Virtues

actually my list basically echoes the cardinal virtues so I'll post those. Not sure where Humility fits, probably under Prudence.

Accomplishing Stuff

There are four steps to getting what you want. It's a lot like changing lanes.

  1. Intent - What do you want? What is stopping you?
  2. Signal - Let the world know what you want. Find a route.
  3. Execute - Now execute the plan.
  4. Reflect - What do you want next? Or if you're still working on the execution, what can you do now?

Mental Practices

Zoom In - Practice being completely aware of all your senses and being in the now. Zoom Out - Think of yourself from an outside, objective perspective.

Try taking a deep breath when stressed. Also try journaling in the morning or evening, see where it takes you.

If you have a problem, define it. Once you have defined the problem you can brainstorm and research potential solutions.

Have suggestions? Let me know. Also I don't want to fix your problems for you, this is just a reference.