I'm not a Democrat, liberal, or progressive. I have opinions, and I express them freely and sometimes stupidly.

If you can't live with me, so be it. Life is too short to live with your enemies. But if you're willing to come halfway, I am too. We need more olive branches and less arrows. I'm also totally willing to explain, that's kinda why I post this stuff, to explain this stuff to myself.

Whatever I say, noone deserves to be treated as less than human. I may make fun of certain folks, I may take things too far, but I do not try to hurt anyone. I may be pissed about the state of the world or what you believe, but I'm not pissed at you (unless I am).

If you hate this stuff, email me anytime, let's have a conversation about the weather or pixel art or food instead. I think we've probably got a lot in common, if only we put away the knives and the devil screens.

I just want to be understood and accepted. What could be more relatable?

Edit: Why do I have to apologize for my beliefs just to even have a chance of being considered human? Ugh. Not fair when I try to live with everyone else's bullshit and sins. Can't you at least tolerate me, mr. Tolerance-and-Diversity?