Lotus's Cube

Welcome to my Website!

Straight white male, not communist, traditional liberal/libertarian. Yup. Terrifying. Just... don't put me in a bucket, alright? I don't fit. I like lots of stuff, too much actually. But uh, welcome to my mess and Ciao!

Most Recent Mix (Dost thou dare?) -->> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2pcUZAXaDsuBAz6Zz9wfL1?si=e20cfb75def54441

This house of mine. It's under renovation, but you can still come in for tea.
And here's my new index page, kinda! Everything's under destruction XP

The scariest pdf you'll ever read, and an article to explain the end of the world: https://metallicman.com/2025-deagel-forecast-casualty-figures/ This is basically the summary for the meat and bones of apocalypse "conspiracy" right now. But hopefully this is just a bad trip!

! Disclaimer for Democrat-types !
Message from the Other Side The Rainbow Ain't Yours Lotus's Completely Unqualified Help

